Monday, March 22, 2010

Making money in the property market

The BBC ran this interesting article on their news pages over the week-end.

It's almost an amalgam of a couple of my posts over the last few months.  They start by saying that the internet is having a defining role on the way that property is being marketed and that Google & Tepilo are both going to have a role to play. I've been saying that for a while.

They then move on to the increasing role of buying agents and the fact that they are no longer the exclusive domain of the rich and wealthy. As Tim Hammond says in the article:

"Most people waste time looking at unsuitable properties and you don't have to be rich to be busy".

I've been working in the international property market for almost 25 years now and I simply don't see why anyone in the UK, USA or other overseas locations would choose to buy a property in France without using a buying agent.  It reduces the risk, increases the number of decent houses you will view and ensures you buy it at a price that reflects the true market value.

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